Heading back to the past

I used to love so much, as well as hate, but now everything slowly fades away. Let me remember this moment as much as possible - and never let me go.
Strange sentences, sorry about that. ^^ I LOVE THE COLORS ON THIS PICTURE!!! ♥ Captured it in perfect time, dark but yet somehow colorful, awesome. Now: homework....

Postat av: Toffie

I understand the text in the beginning, I feel ya bro!

Love the picture!

2013-02-08 @ 12:49:13
URL: http://ssahlstrom.blogg.se
Postat av: Arisu aka Alice

Love the picture, it says a lot, and you can interpret it in different ways. It is beautiful in many ways- you are in it, a beauitiful girl, and the background isn't too bright, but has some warm colors in it, as you described.
Hugs! <3

2013-02-12 @ 22:21:49
URL: http://arisu.n.nu

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