Press play and wash it away
New years eve photograph. ♥

An awesome piano piece composed by Sahm Lockhart.
I won't be back again
Take a look at what we've done now. Silly creatures, golden moments captured.
Not much talkative today, so will probably be uploading something during the weeeeek.
Morning people
Mom was going to make pancakes, but I took charge and well, I ended up making a smaller version of pancakes! <-- the heck? XD Still, they tasted really good though I wasn't eating many... prefer watching others eating rather than eating myself. XD

Love ♥
Sparkle sparkle
Morning. Yes, hopefully it's still morning for some of us. Woke up around 8 and now I've been chillin' out with math books and squares. It's a beautiful day and I'm actually going to take opportunity and go outside. Maybe capture some moments with the camera, who knows? :)

This was a couple of weeks ago, such a beautiful evening! ^^
Ed Sheeran- The Parting Glass

The truth hurts. Each time I am in your presence I end up hurting myself. I can't stop imagine it though. It's impossible. It's wrong, it's dangerous. We both know it, therefore we choose to ignore it. Waiting, wishing. It's strange, it's impossible - it is the truth. It's a nightmare, I have to get out, even though all I want is to stay. Fire, your hair burns my vision, makes my mind go crazy although I try my best to act calm. I am sorry for everything. Denying is a method not worth thinking of anymore. I won't change and I will never be what you expect me to be. Even if I try, even if I wanted to.
These are some of my favorite things

Have to study, but I can't for some reason. T.T so I decided to upload something... c: You know what the best thing is to do? taking pictures of every single object that bright up your days! I love playing video games, I am a PS2-3 girl..... and I play mainly FF13 and KH 1 & 2, which you can see on the picture. Also, I love tea.... L.O.V.E tea! - Vanilla tea and christmas tea are the best ones in my opinion. Also I love cats, which are on my phone case. I actually like my iPhone although it's been struggling for a while now. It's still awesome, to be honest.
Yay for random patterns on cups and the case where i put my glasses! Twix and Riesen are awesome chocolates btw, which I still have I realised.... another fact about me: i can never finish a whole chocolate bar. NEVER. - except when my birdie forces me ;D she's awesome btw, and she's unfortunately not on the picture. We share Roxas, although he's been around my house for a while now.... can't live without him because he brights up my days when i'm just studying and am alone... it makes me think my birdie's around. :')
Heading back to the past
I used to love so much, as well as hate, but now everything slowly fades away. Let me remember this moment as much as possible - and never let me go.

Strange sentences, sorry about that. ^^ I LOVE THE COLORS ON THIS PICTURE!!! ♥ Captured it in perfect time, dark but yet somehow colorful, awesome. Now: homework....
Let's choose the same way together

Creatures from different pasts, but yet somehow connected. The key is patience and belief...