To Zanarkand

Has been a while since I updated, hehe have been happening much lately. Exams are waiting for me, quite a few actually, three to be exact. Next week's gonna be a difficult one, but I'll go through it, eventually ^^ I bought a new jacket yesterday.. or, shall I say cardigan? Don't know what to call it, therefore it's a jacket. Anyway, I'm sort of in love with it, and I'm addicted to purple. Just so you know. Purple... ♥
Now... I have the urge to write, so perhaps I'll continue with some old fan fictions. :) HEHE ^_^ Here you go: A sweet and innocent song from EXO, 'cuz it's amazing.

Is there anybody out there, walking alone?

Lights, candles, cosy music, darkness...I've been sort of addicted with these things. So extremely glad that mom bought me something that reminds me of a lantern, where you can put candles on to make it somehow prettier. How you made candles prettier than they are, that's a challenge :D
hehe as usual I ran for my camera and took some shots, was especially happy with this one!
Happy Saturday guys ^^ here's two beautiful songs!
Tokio Hotel- Zoom into me

Last one always reminds me of my best friend, ugh she's awesome and somehow I just want the replay button to exist forever because of this song.♥

Nature called, and I hung up

See the back? Final Fantasy 13 guys... it's just amazing.
Another week has finally reached its end... such a pieceful time during weekends. I hang around with my absolute best friend today, such a nice break from all this studying. Just laughing, being happy, that's something I appreciate and treasure these days... It's good to think back of something cheerful for next week :)
Happy Friday everyone ♥

Don't go play around with my heart

Pjuhh, what a week! Haven't had time to relax at all, but now it's finally the end of the week and it's time for some kpop and also some time for sleeping! :) *so happy*
Done with 1st book from the Mortal Instrument-series ^^ took the shot during my reading-period hehe...Currently reading "City of Ashes" and it's great! :D 

I will love you until the end of time

I realized I must be mad. Completely, incredible, madly in love.

Birthday here, birthday there

Yesterday I went to a Halloween party with some friends, it was super fun! I'm quite blessed to have such beautiful friends around me, and the fact that we actually consider 'party' as dressing up and play games, that makes me just want to shed tears of happiness and gratefulness. ♥
We celebrated two lovely creatures, they turned 16 for some weeks ago! :)
One of the presents... Kuroshitsuji-cards. My friend love Kuroshitsuji, and so do I.
 A doll I made in ninth grade, didn't finish it though, hehe... But it was quite a sucess in the end when I had it during the party! ^^ if you didn't notice it, which I hardly think some did- it's a heartless.

I am just as crazy as you were before

Let the past be a part of your new future.
The sun came by this afternoon, took opportunity to capture the moment before studying. :)
My beloved EXO-shoes.

There was this snow... again

Our autumn-season got conquered by the first actual snow that fell from the sky today.
An outfit I had for two days ago, or so :) I just love walking around with skirts and long-sleeves...

Delicious details

It's kinda ironic how I upload food pics when my poor hungry tummy is in the middle of stabbing me for not giving it food >:
mom made delicious food last weekend ^^

Many complains about that sushi is disgusting, etc... but really, it's not! my memory-card's screwed when I bring my camera to our sushi-place I've noticed.... but it's so lovely- to eat and look at!! :)

I will win her back

Wonderful leaves, cups of Chai, and just being cozy in the Autumn season :)

Autumn's here to stay


The cake is a lie

What a week, filled with tests and other things that makes us suffer :__; but hey, now it's finally at its end, and let's enjoy the actually freedom we've got now! ^^
... ugh, not that I'll recieve much freedom, got many tests until the autumn break. Well, what to do, I choose to be in this situation, so need to fight through it >  <
At least I'm going to bring my friends over for some fun things, might as well be that we end up sitting and play videogames... often happens with me, for some reason :)

My wonderful cake I got during my birthday party, that was before I got my Nyan-cat Cake... ugh, they're so nice to me >:

For you I bleed myself dry

 Hey there ~ 
I recently finished the book Lord of the Flies- oh sweet candlestick, what a miserable book.
I don't know what you guys think, but I didn't enjoy reading it whatsoever. Usually when I finish books I feel a kind of releaf and I let the end spin around in my head, but seriously I am lost. I didn't understand the ending at all, feels like I haven't really understood the book in general, though I have. Hehe, lost, as I said.
Very well, now I'm finally done (though I haven't read author's part...), and now I jump over to the five historical eras. Fun Monday, isn't it? haha, but what to do. 

My lovely birdy Sophia. Such a beauty, isn't she? ♥

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